Friday, July 18, 2008

DWI Dismissed

I was retained by a client (client was not happy with her previous lawyer) 2 months ago to defend her on a Houston, Texas DWI case. The previous attorney was set to plead the client guilty - client did not want to plead guilty and told the previous lawyer she was not intoxicated. Prrevious lawyer, an attorney that does not concentrate her practice in DWI Defense, had not even seen the client's video af the DWI arrest.

Fast forward to today. After being asked by us to review the case, the prosecutor did the right thing and dismissed my client's case. Client was obviously elated that her DWI case had been dismissed.

The moral of the story - hiring a DWI lawyer to handle a DWI case can be the difference in getting your case dismissed or not.

Dane Johnson is a Board Certified in Criminal Lawyer and practices exclusively criminal law. The vast majority of his practice relates to defending those charged with DWI and other alcohol related offenses. If you have any questions, feel free to call Dane at (713) 222-0400.

Houston, Texas DWI Lawyer

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