Friday, July 18, 2008

DWI - Is your Driver's License Important to you?

Far too often in a DWI case, the driver's license portion of the case is ignored by the client or lawyer handling the case. We have found that most of our client's need a driver's license almost daily to function in Houston, Texas. We fight to keep our client's Texas Driver's License.

As importantly, the Administrative License Revocation (ALR) hearing is a crucial component of your DWI Defense. A skilled Houston, Texas DWI Lawyer often can use this ALR hearing and the information that is gathered at this hearing to ultimately get your DWI / DUI dismissed.

Dane Johnson is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Contact Dane Johnson at (713) 222-0400.

Houston, Texas Criminal Lawyer
Houston, Texas DWI Attorney

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As the writer had discussed about the Houston dwi attorney advances which the company is agile in delivering in front of us after penetrating our badly needed wants for the one who could show us the right way to get justice.